female 90 lbs. or more and any Alaskan Malamute male 100lbs.
or more is considered a Giant (trim weight). The only TRUE
Giant Alaskan Malamute, however, is one that the breeder can
give VET SCALE weight proof right from their vet. There
likely are very few Alaskan Malamutes in the world truly
over 150lbs. Many breeders say that their Malamutes are
heavier than they really are to help sell their puppies. If
a breeder says that their Malamutes are 150-200 lb, ask them
for a vet-signed statement of proof. There has to be VET
SCALE proof ,and the dog has to be trim and not overweight
to be accurate. Even some Alaskan Malamute breeders that
say they have vet scale weights on their website add many
pounds to the weights they list making the dogs look like
they are heavier and larger than they truly are. The proof
will be in the true vet scale weights of the offspring. The
fact is that ALL of the Giant Alaskan Malamute breeders in
the U.S. (whether they are in AK, OH, KY, MI, TN, TX, or in
any other state) have Alaskan Malamutes from the same lines
as each other. And, NO Alaskan Malamute breeder in the U.S.
has an entirely M'loot line. An entirely M'loot line does
NOT exist, and there is no test of any kind available to
even show which lines contain M'loot in them. *****All of
our dogs' weights here at Northern Glories are true vet
scale weights with NO added weight listed.*****